Frequently Asked Questions


How many students attend Salam School?

Currently (2022-2023 School Year) 1050 Students attend our school. Salam School is a K-12 institution, offering from K4 through 12th grade.

What is the student-teacher ratio?

Most classes have between 20-27 students. In the elementary school, classes have a teacher along with a teaching assistant. The school currently employs over 100 teachers and staff members.

Where do students live?

The majority of our students reside in the city of Milwaukee and the surrounding suburbs.

How do we involve volunteers?

Families are encouraged to volunteer during each school year. Parental involvement through the Salam Parent Teacher Association is also encouraged. Parents who want to get involved can volunteer and/or join the PTA. The school also has many programs throughout the year that welcome parent participation and attendance.

What is the tuition?

For Private Pay Students:
Tuition is $2800 per year per student for K4.*
Tuition is $7500 per year per student for grades K5 to 8th for the 1st and 2nd child.*
Tuition is $7000 per year per student for grades K5 to 8th for the 3rd child.*
Tuition is $5900 per year per student for grades K5 to 8th for the 4th child and up.*
Tuition is $8000 per year per student for grades 9th to 12th.*

*The Islamic Society of Milwaukee grants an automatic scholarship of $3300 per year to all private pay students.

Note: Salam School participates in the Choice program, a resource for low income households that grants free and reduced tuition for students. Each case varies by student and family. Please see the admissions page for more information.

When does the school day start and end?

The school day starts at 7:45AM and ends at 3:00PM for elementary school students and starts at 7:35AM and ends at 3:30PM for middle and high school students.

What is the admissions process?

Salam School does not discriminate on the basis of gender, religion, race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. The primary concern of Salam School is always the welfare of its students. The School enrolls and welcomes a diverse student body. Enrollment to Salam School begins during the first open enrollment period in March of the current school year for the next school year. All current and new students must complete the necessary forms.

Please see the admissions page for more information.

What makes our curriculum unique?

Our curriculum is organized to provide a loving, unique, and Islamic environment for the care and education of our children. It is our goal to develop in each child a love for and understanding of God and Islam and to nurture an identity in each child as a confident and faithful American Muslim. The curriculum reflects the necessary components for a quality program. We focus on:
* Social Awareness and Character Building (respect, cooperation, and ability to share)
* Communication skills (verbal and non-verbal)
* Cognitive Growth (comprehensive, critical thinking and problem solving)
* Physical Growth (gross and fine motor skills)
These skills will be incorporated in an integrated curriculum. All specialists will teach the same themes, vocabulary, and character education throughout the year. This type of curriculum will enable student's different means to comprehend each skill being taught. Each child is exposed to the Arabic, Islamic and English way of learning new material. Finally, spiral curriculum builds upon and connects to learned knowledge in all educational fields.

Does Salam School offer hot meals?

We offer breakfast and hot lunch to all our students daily. Most students get the meals for free. Nonetheless, there is fee that depends on each family's income based on the Department of Public Instruction income standards. No pork or pork-by products are served at our school. Also, please note that in the year 2022/2023 all students get the meals at no cost.

Is Salam School an accredited school?

Yes, by WRISA (Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Association) and NCA/ AdvanceEd. Please see the accreditation page for more information.