Salam High School Course Completion Requirements for Graduation
Salam School of Milwaukee
In order for a student to become a candidate for Salam High School Diploma, he/she must complete 27 credits of the courses below, including 5 credits of English (excluding journalism, public speaking and etymology), 4 credits of foreign language (including at least 2 credits in Arabic), 4 credits of social sciences, 4 credits of science, 4 credits of mathematics, 2 credits of Islamic studies, 1 ½ credits of physical education and a ½ credit of health. The following pace of the program is mandatory for the 9th & 10th grades, whereas it is highly suggested for the 11th & 12th grades.
9th grades (total of 8 credits): foreign language 1, biology 1, English (world literature and freshman composition) 2, geography 1, math (algebra 1/geometry) 1, computers 1, PE ½ & IS theology ½.
10th grades (total of 8 credits): foreign language 1, chemistry 1, English (Brit lit. and etymology) 1½, world history 1, math (geometry/algebra 2) 1, computers 1, PE ½, IS theology ½ and elective ½.
11th grade (total of 8 credits): foreign language 1, physics 1, English (American lit.) 1, US history 1, math 1, PE ½, IS theology ½, Health ½ and 1½ electives.
12th grade (total of 5½ credits): foreign language 1, science 1, English (senior comp) 1, social sciences 1, math 1 and IS theology ½.
In addition to the credit requirements above, the candidate student must complete a minimum of 60 hours of community service (20 per each grade-10th, 11th and 12th). Also, the candidate student must attend two school retreats/camps.
Salam High School follows the cohort model, especially in the 9th and 10th grades. Despite the mandatory subject sequence, students get to choose, in collaboration with faculty members, whether to place the honors track or the standard track. However, they are able to choose some of the subjects as elective in both 11th and 12th grades. The course offering is constructed in this manner, in order to build the students’ academic ability before they are given the chance to choose which course to pick.
The total credits in the whole program are 30½ credits. Salam School grants its high school diploma upon finishing at least 27 credits of the 30½ credits provided 13 credits are completed in Salam High School Program. Subsequently, Salam School will not admit transferees seeking placement into 12th grade.
Transferees seeking placements up to 11th grade may be admitted into Salam High School upon passing the placement exams and after a careful evaluation of their transcripts.
Transferees are given credits for courses they have completed in other high schools/ accredited learning institutions, so long as those courses are compatible/equivalent to the courses offered in Salam High School.
Even though Salam High School’s transcript will include all the courses completed by the candidate, including courses completed in other schools/accredited learning institutions, the GPA on the transcript will reflect the courses completed in Salam High School only. This may exclude the AP courses that the candidate has completed in other schools/accredited learning institutions and for which he/she passed their respective AP exams with at least a 3-point score.
Students have to score “D-” or above for the successful completion of any course. Further, teachers’ recommendations are necessary for students to enroll in certain classes. Also, their advice is vital on crediting students for course completion. Students may opt out of Islamic studies courses provided they enroll in other courses to meet the credit quota required for earning Salam High School Diploma.
Starting in school year 2016-2017 Salam School updated its reattempted course entry policy. Uncompleted courses will remain on the transcript as incomplete or failed (U). Should a student make up for an uncompleted/failed course by either retaking it at Salam School or at any other institute, the reattempted course will be put on the transcript as a new entry. This policy has been non-retroactively put into effect this school year 16-17.
Other restrictions may apply. All updates will be made available on this page.